Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Don't You Dare Waste the Lord's Time"


To continue with a few more thoughts on Per G. Malm's talk. Here are a few more points he made. Trust that there are angels round about you to build you up.  It's imperative that while your companion is teaching, to pray for him and listen to the Spirit to know what to say next.  Know that the Devil will not triumph, even now, he must operate within the boundaries God has set.  I think one of my most favorite statements Per G. Malm said in his talk was: "If you deviate from the right path, it's like saying, "Heavenly Father, I know that what I am doing is wrong and I rebel against that. That's called sin.  Don't indulge yourself and stop!" After the Devotional we met as a District and talked about Elder Malm's talk.  One of the missionaries said the following: "Don't you dare waste the Lord's time"-(quote from Elder Holland). That really stuck with me.  I will always remember that quote from Elder Holland.

On Wednesday, Elder Nelson, my companion, found out where he was reassigned to.  His reassignment is to the Boise, ID Spanish speaking Mission. He is still going to be my companion for the time I am in the MTC, so no change of companion which is good. Elder Nelson likes to run and pretty much do anything. He's an animal lover. We also got 2 new roommates in our dorm and their names are Elder Rasmussen and Elder Ringer.  Elder Rasmussen is from Minnesota and went to BYU for a year.  He's really cool and likes to play ball.  Elder Ringer is from Vegas and went to USU for a year.  He said that he's seen me practice a bunch at Birch Creek (golf course) because he likes to golf, so that's pretty cool.

Ok, we got 2 brand new Investigators that we will be teaching for the next two to three weeks.  Their names are Edwin and Luis.  The Investigators are actually my two teachers acting as Investigators and playing like it's the real thing. On Thursday, we taught Edwin for the 2nd time about the Plan of Salvation. When we were done, Hermano Toledo (who plays Edwin) told my companion and I that it was the best lesson we'd taught yet! That was a really nice feeling.  We've also taught Luis once (Hermano Johnston) and will teach him again tomorrow.  After my companion and I taught Edwin and class was over, he came with us to dinner! It was so fun to sit and talk with him during dinner.  It was really thoughtful of him to do so.  Hermano Toledo is so awesome, I love him.  Also, Thursday morning, I finished memorizing all of D&C 4 in Spanish!!!  Here it is from Memory:) "He aqui, una obra maravillosa esta a punto de aparecer entre los hijos de los hombres. Por tanto, oh vosotros, que es embarcais en el servicio de Dios, mirad que le sirvais con todo vuestro corazon, alma, mente, y fuerza para que aporeziais sin culpa ante Dios en el Ultimo Dia. De modo que si teneis deseos de servir a Dios, sois llamados a la obra.  Pues, he aqui, el campo blanco esta ya para la siegal y he aqui, quien mete su hoz con su fuerza atesora para si, de modo que no parece, sino que frae salvacion a su Alma. Y fe, esperanza, caridad, y amor con la mira puesta unicamente en la gloria de Dios, lo califican para la obra. Tened presente la fe, la virtud, el conocimiento, la templanza, la paciencia, la bondad fraternal, diedad, caridad, humildad, diligencia. Pedid y recibireis; llamad y se os abrira. Amen.  When I said it Thursday morning by heart, it was so awesome! I was so grateful.

This morning, Friday, my companion Elder Nelson and I did Initiatories. It was great to be in the temple so early doing the Lord's work and saving ordinances.

In our free time, as a District, we like to come up with Spanish jokes kinda like these: 1. Red-Stop, Yellow-Slow Down, GRINGO Answer: It's pronounced like "green go" in Spanish and means American  2. Quiere abarrido?  Answer:You want a burrito?  3. Tanner drew a picture of a baseball diamond and has an arrow that points to it that says, "Habeis" Answer: Pronounced like "a base"  4.  Que es la diferencia between una pera y una novia? La pera es pera y la novia no espera.  Answer: What's the difference between a pear and a girlfriend? The pear is a pear and the girlfriend doesn't wait! 5. Habla Haber en en arbol!  Answer: Haber is pronounced ("A bear"), so it's like "There was a bear in the tree!

Quiero compartir mi testimonio con uds otra vez: Yo se que Jesucristo sufrio y murrio por nuestros pecados como, por medio de su Expiacion podemos vivir con Dios y Jesucristo otra vez. Yo se que Dios tiene un plan para nosotros y estamos en esta tierra ahora porque necesitamos ayudar y progresar. Jose Smith tradujo las planchas como podemos tener El Libro de Mormon en nuestras vidas hoy.  Tambien, yo se que esta iglesia es verdadera y estoy muy agradecide por la iglesia en mi vida y por el gozo que me trae.  Yo se que Jesucristo y Padre Celestial viven y si vivimos el Evangelio, vamos a recibir muchas bendiciones. Jesucristo restauro su inglesia por medio de Jose Smith y tenemos la inglesia en nuestras vidas. Yo se que hay angeles que estan ayudardome diariamente como puedo ser un misienero que trae salvacion a muchas personas. Y digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen. 



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